Legal warning

On this page you can find all the information related to the legal terms and conditions that define our relationship as a user and person responsible for the web. As a user it is important that you know these terms before continuing your navigation.


We are committed to treating your data as a user with full guarantees, always complying with current legislation.

You are in a 100% safe space.

Identifying data of the person in charge

– Company name: INGLES GLOBAL LLC

– Contact email:

– Social activity: sale of online English courses

Rules of use of this website

This website is our “online office” so there are rules to follow so as not to damage your image and your objective or threaten your safety.

To be more specific

– The use of the website for illegal or harmful purposes, or that, in any way, may cause damage or prevent its normal functioning is prohibited.

– You may not carry out behaviors that violate our rights and interests, of other users, third parties or that in any way may damage, disable, overload or deteriorate or prevent the normal use or enjoyment of the same by users.

– All the content of the website is protected by copyright, so you cannot reproduce, distribute or modify, in whole or in part, the content of the website and the blog, unless you have the authorization of INGLES GLOBAL LLC.

You must also take into account the comment policy of this website, to avoid having to delete your comment:

You can make comments on the posts to enrich the content and make inquiries, but comments that are not related to the theme of this website will not be accepted, which include defamations, grievances, insults, personal attacks or lack of respect in general towards the author or towards other members. These comments will be deleted by the administrators of the web, before their publication.

Comments that contain obviously misleading or false information, as well as those that contain personal information, such as private addresses or telephone numbers and that violate the data protection policy, will also be deleted. As well as those that include defamations, insults, insults, personal attacks or lack of respect in general towards the author or towards other members.

Likewise, comments created solely for promotional purposes of a website, person or group and everything that may be considered spam in general will be rejected.

Anonymous comments are not allowed, as well as those made by the same person with different nicknames. Comments that try to force a debate or position themselves by another user will also not be taken into account.

Finally, you must bear in mind that the simple fact of browsing the web does not mean that a commercial or employment relationship is initiated between us, and that by purchasing any of my products or services, you declare that you are of legal age and have legal capacity. to contract through this website.

Personal data collected

We detail them in the privacy policy.

External links policy

At links to other own web pages are provided, with the sole purpose of sharing content that I find useful to complete our content.

You can link to “” from your website whenever it is to add value to other pages and without contravening our interests. The fact that they have linked “” on another website does not mean that there is a contractual relationship with it, or that it accepts or approves its contents, services or products.

Exclusion of guarantees and responsibility is not intended for minors, so I decline any responsibility for failure to comply with this requirement

Intellectual and industrial property

Usted se compromete a respetar los derechos de Propiedad Intelectual e Industrial titularidad de INGLES GLOBAL LLC.

Quedan expresamente prohibidas la reproducción, la distribución y la comunicación pública, incluida su modalidad de puesta a disposición, de la totalidad o parte de los contenidos de esta página web, con fines comerciales, en cualquier soporte y por cualquier medio técnico, sin autorización. INGLES GLOBAL LLC.

Sabe y acepta que la totalidad del sitio web, que incluye, pero no de forma exhaustiva, el texto, la redacción, la publicación en el blog, el contenido (incluida la estructura, selección, disposición y presentación del mismo), el podcast, las fotografías, el material audiovisual y los gráficos, está protegido por marcas comerciales.

All content is registered with Safe Creative and INGLES GLOBAL LLC is a registered trademark.

When you acquire INGLES GLOBAL LLC products, you are given access to the development of the work process and to your own “know how”, both the structure and the “know-how” of INGLES GLOBAL LLC, and they are under a confidentiality agreement, which it means that you will not be able to develop the same knowledge as INGLES GLOBAL LLC nor will you be able to share with anyone else the form and structure to develop your services or products.

Personal use of the downloadable material: The total or partial reproduction of the downloadable materials, both free and paid, is prohibited, since they are for the personal use of the subscriber or client who obtains legal access to them, editing, distribution, public communication, transformation, incorporation into a computer system, digital or mechanical transmission or by any form or medium of all downloadable materials.

It is strictly forbidden to share the training use license with more people, each license is personal and non-transferable.

Any previously unauthorized use will be considered a serious infringement of the author’s intellectual or industrial property rights, INGLES GLOBAL LLC reserving the right to exercise the corresponding civil or criminal actions against users who violate their industrial or intellectual property rights, all of this. under warning of committing a crime against the intellectual property of art. 270 and following of the Penal Code with prison sentences of up to 4 years.

Our content is always original. However, in the event that you consider that there has been a violation of your legitimate intellectual property rights due to the introduction of certain content on the web, you must notify this circumstance by sending an email to indicating:

– Personal data of the interested party who owns the rights allegedly infringed.

– The contents protected by intellectual property rights and their location on the web.

– The accreditation of the intellectual property rights indicated.

– Express declaration in which the interested party is responsible for the veracity of the information provided in the notification.

Right of exclusion

We reserve the right to deny or withdraw access to the website and the products offered without prior notice, at our own request or by a third party, to those users who do not comply with these conditions of use.


We can modify these conditions at any time and without prior notice to adapt them to new legislation or jurisprudence as well as changes or practices in the sector, so you should periodically consult these conditions, terms and policies to check or ensure the existence of changes in the same, taking as reference the date of the last update.

Likewise, we can make the modifications that we consider appropriate at, being able to change, delete or add both the content and services provided through it and the way in which they are presented or located in the Web.

– The contents protected by intellectual property rights and their location on the web.

– The accreditation of the intellectual property rights indicated.

– Express declaration in which the interested party is responsible for the veracity of the information provided in the notification.

Right of exclusion

We reserve the right to deny or withdraw access to the website and the products offered without prior notice, at our own request or by a third party, to those users who do not comply with these conditions of use.

Ley aplicable y jurisdicción

For the resolution of all disputes or issues related to this website or the activities carried out therein, Spanish legislation will apply, to which the parties expressly submit, being competent to resolve all derivative conflicts or Courts and Tribunals related to its use.

The legal notice has been updated for the last time on 10/19/2021

These legal texts are protected by copyright and developed specifically for Legidad Online clients.

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