Privacy Policy

On this website, users’ personal data is respected and cared for and their rights are guaranteed, since current legislation is complied with: Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5, on the Protection of Personal Data and guarantee of rights digital. It also complies with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016 regarding the protection of natural persons (RGPD), as well as with Law 34/2002, of July 11, of Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce (LSSICE or LSSI).

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Responsible for the processing of your personal data

Company Name:


- Contact E-Mail:

Social activity:

Sale of online English courses

Know your rights

At any time you can access your personal data, as well as request the rectification of inaccurate data or, where appropriate, request its deletion when, among other reasons, the data is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was collected. In certain circumstances, the interested parties may request the limitation of the processing of their data, in which case I will only keep them for the exercise or defense of claims.
You can also oppose that your data continue to be processed, and you can request the portability of your personal data to another person in charge when it is technically possible.
You can exercise your rights through email (your email) together with a valid proof of law, such as a photocopy of the D.N.I. or equivalent, indicating in the subject “Data Protection”.
You can also go by post to the address

You also have the option to unsubscribe from any of the subscription services provided by clicking on the unsubscribe section of the newsletter that we send you.

 Information collection systems, their purpose and time of conservation of personal data

The legal basis for the processing of your data is: your consent always requires the prior consent of the users for the processing of their personal data for the purposes indicated in each of the forms.

The personal data provided will be kept: Until its deletion is requested by the interested party or while the commercial relationship is maintained.

The categories of data that are treated are identifying data. Specially protected categories of data are not processed.

The collection of information will be done through the following means, where the purpose for which they are collected is detailed. Through the “opt-in” procedure, it is understood that consent is tacit and unequivocal:

Subscription forms, which are found in different parts of the web, and where the name and email will be requested. The user must confirm their subscription in order to validate their email address. The data provided will be used exclusively for sending the Newsletter and keeping you up to date with news and specific offers, exclusively for subscribers of The list of subscribers will be managed in Active Campaign (located in the US and under the EU-US Privacy Shield agreement).

At any time you can unsubscribe from the same newsletter.

Comment forms, to be able to comment on the entries published on the blog. The personal data entered will be the name, email and web address (optional). These comments will be used exclusively to moderate and publish them. The data you provide will be located on the servers of (hosting provider of within the United States.

Contact form, for questions, suggestions or professional contact. In this case, the email address will be used to respond to them and send the information that the user requires through the web. The data you provide will be located on the servers of Https:// (hosting provider of within the EU.

Purchase form, to be able to process orders. The data provided will be used exclusively to send you the course and to be able to send you the Newsletter and keep you up to date with news and specific offers, exclusively for subscribers of

Affiliate registration form, to register in the affiliate program of https:// where name and surname are required

ellidos, email, ID, address and payment information.

Cookies, although they do not identify you as a user, but are used to carry out statistical studies.

Google Analytics tracking systems, to study user preferences, demographics, traffic patterns and other information together to better understand who your audience is and what they need. Tracking our users’ preferences also helps us show you the most relevant ads.

Facebook Ads, to attract subscribers and customers, so when generating an ad, you can segment the public by location, demographics, interests, etc. Therefore, the data obtained by this platform would be subject to this privacy policy from the moment the user leaves their data to join the newsletter of my community.

Likewise, remarketing is carried out to associate a specific audience that has already visited the web previously with a specific message, in order to make them visit the web again.

This information is collected by Facebook cookies, which you can disable through the Network Advertising Initiative.


Treatment managers

In order to offer you my products or services, I have contracted with the following service providers under their corresponding privacy conditions. These providers will only have access to the data strictly necessary for the development of their activity, not being able to use the information for any other purpose.
Google Analytics: is a web analytics service provided by Google, Inc., a Delaware company based at 1600 Amphitheater Parkway, Mountain View (California), CA 94043, United States (“Google”). Google Analytics uses “cookies”, which are text files located on your computer, to help https: to analyze how users use the website. The information generated by the cookie about your use of https: //www.https: // (including your IP address) will be directly transmitted and filed by Google on servers in the United States.
Accommodation:, and with address at Hostinger International Ltd. 61 Lordou Vironos Street 6023 Larnaca, Cyprus. You can consult the privacy policy and other legal aspects of the company at the following link:
Web platform: Automattic Inc. domiciled in the United States. More information at: Inc.). Automattic Inc. processes the data to perform its web platform services.
Email marketing provider: ActiveCampaign, Inc. with address in the USA. More information at: (ActiveCampaign, Inc.). ActiveCampaign, Inc. treats the data in order to carry out its email marketing services at
PayPal (Europe) S.à r.l. et Cie, S.C.A .: company used to manage debit and credit card payments on the website. Located at 22-24 Boulevard Royal L-2449, Luxembourg. For more information you can visit
Stripe Inc: used to manage debit and credit card payments on the website. This company is located in the United States and adheres to the Privacy Shield. For more information, visit

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